Young Canadians
I had great fun hanging out with Forum for Young Canadians students, Sebastian from Montreal and Trent from Stonewall, MB. The recruitment process for finding tomorrow's leaders has already begun for next years Forum. If you or a young person you know is interested, please check out their webpage for more information. #ForumforYoungCanadians
Read moreNational Student Leader
Thanks to National Student Forum for inviting us to visit with this exceptional cohort of young Canadians.
Midwife Services
Pleased to participate in this year's International Day of the Midwife. CAM is assisting with strengthening Midwifery Services in South Sudan - a project reflecting the values of Canada's Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Muskoka Initiative #StephenHarper #Rona Ambrose
Kalyna Dance
Pleased to bring greetings and enjoy the amazing Ukrainian Kalyna Dance Competition again this year in Yorkton, SK.
Thanks to Eva Severson and Mikayla Bocian from Weyburn, SK who share my heritage and my previous hometown!
#Kalyna #Yorkton #Weyburn