Bill C-6: Conversion Therapy

Thank you for your interest in Bill C-6, An Act to Amend the Criminal Code (Conversion Therapy). On June 22nd, the bill was passed by the House of Commons at third reading. I did not vote in favour of the bill. 

I support a conversion therapy ban. However, I don’t support the ban in this legislation. C-6 is not a clear and precise law that only seeks to criminalizes conversion therapy. It could have been and it should have been, but that was not the intent. I encourage you to explore the resources and testimonies below for a clear understanding of why I voted against this legislation. 


Cathay Wagantall, MP



Read my speech on Bill C-6

Watch my speech on Bill C-6

News Release: Wagantall defends vote on conversion therapy bill (

Conservative Party statement on the importance of banning conversion therapy ( 

Barbara Kay: The case for deep-sixing Bill C-6 (National Post)

Other countries should learn from a transgender verdict in England (The Economist)

"Our Stories" ( 


Key Testimonies:

Colette Aikema’s statement to the Justice Committee: Bill C-6 (

Sarah Robertson's brief to the Justice Committee on Bill C-6 ( 

Elle Palmer's story (YouTube)

Max's story (YouTube)

Cari Stella's story (YouTube)